Jazmin Bean on "Traumatic Livelihood", Danny Elfman, and Creating Stunning Visuals

*Originally published 9/27/24

Jazmin Bean is a force to be reckoned with. On "Traumatic Livelihood", they entered a new era filled to the brim with pop pastels and emotional turmoil. Bean was kind of enough to chat with us at UMG°1824's most recent press conference.

For your song "It's Not My Fault, It's Yours" I love how each part takes you on a journey melodically. Is this something you do intentionally before making the song or did it just happen in the studio?

It just kind of happened, we didn't really plan this song before we made it. We were just messing around and surprised ourselves with that one, but I do like that it goes through a journey.

The song is so beautiful and it feels very cathartic to listen to, so when you were writing and recording it, was it cathartic for you too? How does it make you feel when you play it live?

It's definitely cathartic to me, it was at a time where I felt very confused and just needed to get some stuff out. I've only performed it live once at a festival but it wasn't out yet, so I feel like I'll truly know moreso now that it's out and I'll be performing it on tour.

What is your creative process like?

It's always very very random. I normally focus on lyrics first most of the time, I have so many lyrics in my notes app. Lyrics are definitely what helps me understand a song more and often melodies right after. I never have a specific process, and especially now that I'm collaborating with other artists, each collaborator has their own process.

What was your best experience while recording this album?

I would say being able to take my time with it, there wasn't a big rush. Really being able to work with my collaborator and being able to see all the songs add up in real time, it was so nice.

You have some of the most creaitve merch in pop music from the star wand to the patterned socks, which item from your merch store is your favorite?

I really like the star plushie, I have one, I think that would be my favorite. I love the chram bracelet that we did recently, and all the t-shirts. I always enjoy wearing my own merch if I'm going to the airport or to bed.

How does owning a beauty brand compare to being a musician? Is there any similarities between the two?

It's very different, Cult Candy actually came before the music. We've been really blessed to keep it going, we're releasing some new products soon. I've always loved makeup, it was kind of my first passion. I wanted to one day be able to have a makeup company for people who wear makeup like me that can find products.

Your music and videos contain a lot of really beautiful imagery and symbolism. So, is there a line or piece of imagery on your album that is most important to you?

I really love all of the lyrics in Traumatic Livelihood, we used a lot of flowers for this album bevause some of the topics are quite dark. I wanted to make sure that the visuals were maybe contrasting and lighter.

Your work highlights a lot of emotional juxtapositions that we face as humans, why is it so important in your work?

When I was younger I wanted to find music that I really related to, it's nice to have younger people come up to me and relay that I've achieved that for them. I guess it's the purpose of wanting people to feel less alone.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences and how have they shaped you as an artist?

I love Danny Elfman, he's a big favorite of mine. His soundtracks are a big reason why I began music, I was really inspired by them at a young age. I've been listening to a lot of Mitski, I love her. I really love No Doubt and Gwen Stefani. It varies, but film scores were kind of a first love for me.

Each of your music videos and live performances have such stunning visuals, is there any kind of physical media, paintings, sculptures, poetry, that inspires you and has it changed over time?

I really love Jim Henson and art pieces in film that bring you into a different world. I love character design, puppetry, and stopmotion in films.

What is the most crucial fashion item in your opinion?

Definitly having some cool shoes finishes off the look.

If you were to switch lives with a movie character who would you choose?

I really like Kira from The Dark Crystal but I feel like she goes through a lot of suffering so maybe not her. Hmm. I'm not sure, maybe Ms. Piggy. She seems to have it figured out

What advice would you give other artists who are just starting out?

Do what you like, probably. Maybe I'm just too existential but I think just following your gut and make art that fulfills you. Whatever is meant to be, it'll be.

It was a pleasure to hear about Bean's recent album and their fascinating outlook on the world. Be sure and catch them on tour throughout the Fall.


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