Max Fry Leaves a "Stain" on the People of Portland
Photo via Instagram
*Originally published 7/9/24
July 9, 2024 - Portland, OR
You may know Max Fry for his viral track "Zombie", but I can promise you he has so much more to offer than just one great song. During his set opening for ThxSoMch, he played a variety of songs from the two projects he's put out. He was electric on-stage, and for someone who's only on his first tour, his stage presence was incredible which made the experience so memorable.
The house lights dimmed and a projector turned on, playing scenes from one of his music videos. He opened the show with "Zombie", which the crowd immediately repsonded to. The people around were engaging in all sorts of ways even if they didn't know the song. There was no timidity in sight-- Max came out ready to give the crowd the kind of performance they deserved. The energy and intensity of his set hyped the crowd up to a point where there was moshing happening... During the opener! It's not often you see that, and it's absolutely a testament to the performance he put on.
"Lightspeed", an addictive and brilliant track about seeing your partner grow apart from you, was a gem to hear live. Not only does it hold a certain level of power to play at a show, but it's also the opening track of Fry's most recent album, More Than Dead To Me. The song opens by saying, "I never felt this good until I lost someone like you." The delivery holds anger, sadness, and grief, all emotions that Fry has expertly learned to convey through his music, all while holding a chorus I haven't been able to get out of my head for weeks. "Stain" is another incredible song from the album that I'm so glad he played.
From his first EP So Close To Ok, he played "Lungs" and his very first single "Dark Out" alongside "Zombie." Each song was treat for anyone that knew his earlier music! His dancing and interaction welcomed the crowd to do the same, and this was when a mini mosh pit was first formed. I almost got dragged into it a few too many times! Another absolute standout was "Stare At The Sun", a hard hitting track with awesome guitar work and intense vocals. The fullness that washed through the room when this song was played was extraordinary, it's one that you can feel deeply.
He closed his set in an exceptional way, choosing "Roe's Interlude" as his goodbye to Portland. The song begins with a melancholic piano, and during this part, he came into the crowd and had everyone get low to the ground, including him. As the build up began, he got back on the stage and told the pit to open up again, and the people went crazy. "I keep on holding on / I can't keep holding on", Max sang to the crowd. It came to an emotional climax and everyone in the crowd went absoultely insane. The drums kicked in and Max started rocking out, it was a perfect way to end the show.
Every song was impressive, unique, and filled with energy only someone with a true love for music would be able to deliver. Fry is still on tour with ThxSoMch so be sure and catch him soon!